Sign into Front portal at

Click on setting wheel in top right corner next to your user icon.   This switches you automatically to the admin home page.

On the left hand side scroll down to the divison/dept that the new group will be for.  Example LTL

Under the division/dept click inboxes.

In the top right click "Add a shared inbox"

Give it a name to match the DL list being added.   Example.   If you are adding the DL call it LTL Pricing  (Always prefix with the division its for)

In the description type the magnum DL email address for reference.

In most cases click restricted for the access and selected teammates for the show this inbox sections.

Click Create Inbox in bottom right corner.

On the page that comes up click the "Connect Channels" button 

Then click the "Connect" button on the Microsoft tile.

Select Office365.

Select "Distribution Group or Microsoft 365 Group" and click continue.

Type the DL email address and click continue and then save on the following screen.

Now sign into Active Directory and navigate to the following OU:  Magnum Distribution Groups\Front Contacts\

Right click and create a new contact.   Fill out to match that of the other contacts in that OU.

Set the email address for the new contact to be whats on the front portal in the copy the forwarding address line.

Open properties for contact and click on the member of tab.   Add the DL you are setting this up for in this screen.

Click test connection.  It will more than likely fail as it requires the 30 minute sync to happen.  You can continue forward though.

Click do this later.   If the test was successful it will automatically go to the next screen.

Now click on the channel you just created.  

Go to the settings tab.

Change "Undo Send Timing" to 5 seconds.

Change "Custom SMTP"  to enabled.

Fill in data as follow for the smtp and once in test the connection.  Front will not work without a successful connection at this step.   Password is in keypass.

Click save after the successful connection test.

If you were not able to get a good test on the channel earlier you can now go back and test that too.   Click on channels under the division/dept you are working on.

Click on the channel that has the yellow ! which should be the one you just created.

Go to the settings tab.

You should see a disclaimer at the top saying address needs to be validated.  Click send email.  Then click send validation email.

If successful the disclaimer should go away.  You are now all set up.

At this point please refer to the article on "send on behalf of(front)" in the Microsoft Windows\Powershell Scripts solutions articles folder.